Murphy’s Christmas prank

The setup: Murphy decides to hide Dave’s (“Grandpa’s,” “Grandad’s”) present in Bubbles’ (Ryan & Elizabeth’s Pomeranian, AKA “Bubs”) gift to make it seem like he doesn’t get anything from Alissa (“Ma”) this year. He’s holding a grudge from Grandpa and Grandma’s visits, during which they don’t give him enough attention. This prank is Murphy’s payback. 

The “kennel for three” reference is the soft dog house toy (for Bubbles) in which Dave’s gift was hidden. 


You know our Murphy, he’s always been slick.
As he wrapped up his present, he thought of a trick.

He swiped up Dave’s gifty, when Ma turned her back.
He giggled and whispered, “Dave, this is payback.”

Rubbing his paws, he schemed and he planned.
“It’s about time this pup takes a stand!

When Grandpa and Grandma come over to play,
At times they ignore me and shoo me away!

Mind you, they’re helping my dear mother out.
The least they could do is say ‘Murphy watch out!’

Maybe I make up these things in my head,
But doesn’t it seem they should hold me instead? 

Now back to the scheme to put Dave in his place. 
I can’t wait to see the dumb look on his face!

He’ll expect a nice gift to be under the tree,
But to his surprise there’ll be nothing to see!

He’ll think Ma forgot to go buy him a gift. 
Or maybe he’ll think that she’s just really miffed. 

I’ll point and I’ll laugh and roll over in glee, 
And revel in how great it feels to be me. 

I’ll sneak to Ma’s things to get one final bag,
The gift that has ‘Bubs’ written down on the tag. 

‘Even the dogs get a gift,’ Dave will say,
But just as he stands to start walking away. 

I’ll jump to my feet, raise my paws up and shout,
‘There’s something that Bubs hasn’t quite figured out!’

Open the door of the kennel for three!
You’ll find what was missing from under the tree!

‘Oh Dave,’ I’ll say, ‘I may have been snide,
But how does it feel to be pushed to the side?’

I hope you’ll remember the feeling you had,
Of being forgotten, my dear ol’ grandad.

I love you but justice must take precedence!
My action was simply an act of defense. 

So now, when you come to our home to help out,
Don’t give me a reason to bark or to pout.

If you’ll only remember this one vital thing:
To take time to treat me as your little king.”

Christmas 2017 post-prank (smiling)


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